Proliferacja broni jądrowej cz. III

Poniżej tekst rezolucji przyjętej przez Zgromadzenie Ogólne ONZ (w wersji oryginalnej; niestety wersji polskiej nie będzie), który nie zmieścił się w poprzednim wpisie. Dzieło dwóch dni obrad delegatów reprezentujących ponad 50 państw:

Disarmament and International Security Committee,

Reaffirming the inalienable right of all States to acquire and develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes as stated in article four of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT),

Affirming that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons constitutes a threat to international peace and security,

Recognizing the concern of all Member States for ensuring respect for the rights and obligations arising from treaties which they are parties and from other sources of international law,

Emphasizing the need to increase the multilateral negotiations on subject of nuclear disarmament,

Gravely concerned by the threat of non-state actors acquiring nuclear weapons,

Deeply concerned with the lack of progress towards revision of the NPT,

Considering that an increase in multilateral discussion with regard to nuclear proliferation is central to the goals of the United Nations,

Calling for more transparency and accountability of countries’ nuclear policies,

Convinced that observance by Member States of the Charter of United Nations and compliance with non-proliferation, arms limitation and disarmament agreements to which they are parties and with other agreed obligations are essential for regional and global peace, security and stability,

Expressing its grave concern at the danger to humanity posed by the possibility that nuclear weapons, especially third degree ones, could be used,

Welcoming all initiatives leading to general and complete disarmament,

Considering the establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zones would enhance security and stability of the international community,

Recalling also that the NPT was opened for signature on 1 July 1968,

1. Calls upon all States to fully comply with all commitments made regarding nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation, primarily those made under Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT);

2. Asks for the 2010 NPT Review Conference to evaluate the possibility of including other States to the NPT as Nuclear Weapon States;

3. Further calls upon IAEA to:

a) Keep a consistent record of nuclear material stock,

b) Strictly implement and periodically review its safeguards and verification measures,

c) Increase their advisory capacity on the trans of nuclear material,

d) Review its advice in view of changing technology,

4. Recommends the establishment of a new treaty to lead to cut off of fissile material, curtailing uranium enrichment to below 5% isotope and the separation or processing of plutonium for weapon building purposes;

5. Calls upon all States to promote dialogue and cooperation on non-proliferation so as to address the threat posed by proliferation of nuclear weapons;

6. Emphasizes the importance of establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zones requests all Middle Eastern States to commit to create Middle Easter Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone;

7. Supports confidence building measures between countries that include, but are not limited to:

a) Increased multilateral negotiations for the strategic reduction of the nuclear weapons,

b) Elimination of 3rd degree thermonuclear weapons by those States who have them,

c) All Nuclear Weapon States to sign and ratify a “no first strike” agreement,

d) All Nuclear Weapon States to ensure that the “hair trigger” launching capacity of their missiles does not increase the chance of accident or miscalculation;

8. Calls upon the developed countries to promote international cooperation through the transfer of technology, material and equipment for the peaceful and safe use of nuclear energy, monitored by the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS).

Piotr Wołejko

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